Something very special indeed.
Two of the most gorgeous musicians – Marshall McGuire (period harp) and Melissa Farrow (period flute), the epitome of beauty and elegance – their feeling for fine taste, finesse and simplicity is every bit as captivating as it is accomplished.
Mozart received a commission in Paris to compose a double concerto for flute and harp for the Comte de Guines. De Guines was a favourite of Marie Antoinette and a fine flautist. With its poetic, serene second movement and glorious shades of colour from the rarely heard period harp, it’s no wonder this piece has become a truly beloved Mozart work.
Get ready for Mozart’s last symphony. The mythological name Jupiter symbolises the classical deity and virtues of strength and wisdom. It is a triumphant and exciting masterpiece. The final coda of the Jupiter Symphony is a miracle!
Overture to “Lucio Silla”
Concerto for Flute and Harp K299
Symphony No 41 in C Major Jupiter K551
Marshall McGuire (Australia) period harp One of the world’s leading harpists in contemporary
and baroque repertoire.
Melissa Farrow (Australia) period flute. Acclaimed baroque and period flautist Melissa Farrow is the Brandenburg’s Principal Flute
Single tickets go on sale in early 2014. Join our email list and we will keep you posted.
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