Avi Avital (Israel) mandolin
Australian Brandenburg Orchestra
Artistic Director and Conductor Paul Dyer
In enormous demand worldwide, Avi Avital takes the mandolin to places it’s never been – both literally and figuratively. He has thrilled audiences with everything from Bach to Bartok and was nominated for a Grammy award in 2013.
Those who attended Avi’s 2014 Brandenburg debut know that he inhabits the stage and plays his instrument with a bewitching intensity. Avi’s virtuosity is electrifying, but it is his deep musicality and sensitivity that draws audiences towards the emotional heart of his music. The chemistry between the Brandenburg musicians and Avi is palpable and they will bring you a concert of lightness and beauty, virtuosity and romantic sonority.
“combine[s] virtuosity on an instrument with generous helpings of onstage charisma … Avi Avital gave a performance of 18th-century Italian concertos … that was nothing short of electric.”
New York Times March 2015
Avi Avital photo: ©Guy Hecht